Math Ninja : Chopping Up The Numbers


The math ninja is a web app game created to make learning mathematics and improving arithmetic solving prowess for students fun and engaging.The friendly interface and user experience makes learning math enjoyable.Not only is it just for students but parents and teachers get to track a learner’s progress and award their achievements by awarding badges and trophies.

The Team:

The Math_Ninja consists of a duo team of two enthusiastic developers:

Francis K. Ng’ethe - Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Incharge of developing the interactive math learning game. This includes designing game mechanics, graphics, and the user interface, as well as implementing the game logic and interactive elements. He was also to ensure that the educational content aligns with learning objectives.

Cynthia Mbesa - Developer

Incharge of developing the web application for monitoring and tracking progress. She also took up on the role of project manager, coordinating tasks, scheduling, tracking progress and ensuring alignment with initial goals and also was incharge of enhancing the educational value of the game.


Our project timeline has been diligently followed, resulting in a high-quality product delivered on schedule.


MATH_NINJA is tailored for students of all ages, particularly elementary, middle, and high school students, providing a valuable resource for parents and teachers seeking supplementary educational tools.


As the developer, my primary focus was on creating an intuitive and user-friendly web application for progress monitoring and enhancing the educational value of the game. By coordinating tasks, scheduling, and aligning with initial goals, I ensured a seamless user experience and optimal educational outcomes.

Unveiling Personal Motivation:

My passion for creating an impact through education stems from personal experiences as a parent.I was helping my six year old son with his mathematics homework and i noted the struggle he was experiencing solve the tasks.It's not that he didn't comprehend what he was supposed to do but a negative attitude he had developed towards the subject since he considered it boring.This got me thinking how can i make it fun for him to enjoy solving the arthimetic questions and thats how Math_Ninja was born.


MATH_NINJA's architecture is designed for efficiency, emphasizing easy scalability in the future. The frontend incorporates HTML, CSS, and React.js, while the backend relies on Python and Flask, with MongoDB as our chosen database. The integration of and APIs ensures dynamic and relevant educational content.


1. Seamless user authentication through API.

2. User registration and account creation with JSON confirmation.

3. Interactive Google Calendar integration for events, competitions, and quizzes.

Technical Challenge - Overcoming API Reliability:

Situation: Our project heavily relies on external APIs for math questions and educational content, raising concerns about potential downtime or changes affecting functionality.

Task: Implement safeguards and alternatives to handle API unavailability gracefully.

Action: A fallback mechanism was integrated, coupled with regular API status monitoring and contingency plans for rapid adaptation.

Result: The system now ensures continuous functionality, adapting swiftly to API changes or downtime.

What I've Learned:

This project has been a profound learning experience. From the importance of a robust branching and merging strategy using Gitflow to deploying with a CI/CD pipeline, each step has enriched my understanding of project management and development workflows. The flexibility of Flask and MongoDB for our backend has proven pivotal in accommodating dynamic data requirements.

Looking Forward:

As an engineer, this project has reinforced the significance of adaptability, continuous learning, and effective collaboration. Moving forward, I am excited to apply these lessons to future projects, ensuring efficient and impactful solutions.

About Me:

I am a dedicated developer passionate about intergrating educational learning with technology.